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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

This is never a good questions because no matter how much good news there is, we know that bad news is sneaking up and ready to pounce just when we're sitting back and basking in all the good-news glory.

I'll start with the good news anyway.

I've been hired by a local parenting magazine to write a fancy 1,800 word article that is slated to be the May issue's cover story!! I have four glorious weeks to cobble my free minutes into enough time to string lots of thoughts and pithy comments from an assortment of interviews together into one smashing piece. It is very, very exhilarating.

Moving on to additional good news. This magazine is also interested in another one of my brilliantly-thought-out story pitches. It just needs a bit more reporting before they are ready to sign on for that as well. If all goes well and I keep hooking them with my exciting parenting topics, then I may very well have my dream job--writing one splendid article a month with all the honors, privileges, and responsibilities appertaining thereunto. Not to mention a byline and a sweet, albeit small, financial token of their appreciation.

All this sure does nice things to the little ego that has been neglected so in recent months.

And then on to the bad news.

Finding enough time in the day to read all the blogs that I find enjoyable, comment on said blogs, digest the day's news, and then write up my own contribution to the blogdom is very time consuming.

I've been neglecting my husband, my household, my broken washing machine, my dogs, and I'm seriously cutting into precious sleep time. Even when I finally do get into bed (which has been approaching the 1 am hour on a semi-regular basis), insomnia has been my bed-buddy as topics I want to write about slosh through my exhausted brain.

So, yes, I am going to continue writing. I just don't know how I can keep writing daily, so I am aiming for four posts a week. This blog has been an amazingly therapeutic experience and if there was a way to force my boy to sleep three hours every afternoon, then I would power forward with daily scribbles.


  1. Congratulations, Suzanne! This sounds like a great opportunity. I've also found that my "blogging time" can easily eat up the time I should be spending on other things. We'll all understand if you have to cut back.

  2. Yay, suzanne! does this parenting magazine have an online presence where we might see your wordly creations and read (i mean, sublimely experience) your perceptive and keen (and, of course, brilliant) prose??

    i cannot wait to read your future entries as Mother in Chief who now has a paying job. :-)

  3. I'm really enjoying your blog, Suzanne. Not surprised that the parenting magazine in question has scooped you up.

    Ann D
    The Mother of All Blogs
